Hertfordshire Bowls Founded
Men 1923 & Women 1936
  sign up Home Officers Clubs Ladies Comps Men's Comps Programme Young Players HPPBA Green Keepers Coaching 200 Club



Jill Ward



It is with sadness that we have heard that Jill Ward passed away

on the Monday 2nd September.


Jill was a County player for many years and had represented the

County on many occasions at the National Finals.


Her funeral will be held at North Herts Memorial Park and Crematorium,

Bedford Road, Holwell, Hitchin, SG5 3RT on Wednesday 2nd October at 3pm.

A wake will be held afterwards at Baldock Bowls Club....for catering purposes can you

please let Jenny Ralph, jenny.ralph29@gmail.com, know if you will be attending.














